Bob Harris Psychotherapy

Professional Qualifications and Publications. Personal Consultations and Therapy, Upcoming events.

Fully Qualified Member of the Institute of Group Analysis (IGA),1986.; Certificate in Education, University of Exeter; Approved Clinical Supervisor, Institute of Group Analysis UK; Formerly Principal NHS Psychotherapist and Director of Programmes at the Institute of Group Analysis. Currently Director of Training, Group Analysis Albania.

Recent publications


'Teaching Bion in Russia' Chapter for book 'Teaching Bion', Ed. Meg Harris-Williams. 2015

Working with Distressed Young People SAGE/Learning Matters 2011. Click here for Amazon details and reviews. Kindle edition available. Additional review AUCC Journal March 2012.

Bion's Sources: The Shaping of Genius Ed. Bob Hinshelwood. Chapter on the influence of the Philosophy of Science on the development of Bion's thinking. Routledge; 2013.

'Inpatient Groups: Working with staff, patients and the whole community. Reflections of a group analyst.' Chapter in Psychological Groupwork with Acute Psychiatric Inpatients Whiting and Birch, 2010

Upcoming Speaking Engagements

April 14- 17 2018 Novosibirsk Institute of Group Analysis ; Lectures, Seminar/Workshop and Large Group Conductor - themed 'Working with Distressed Young People'.

May 2018 Tirana, Albania, Introductory Course in Group Analysis plus Lecture at the Department of Sociology, University of Tirana.

Recent speaking and lecturing engagements

13th January 2018, Large Group Conductor, 'Dreams in Group Analysis' Kent Society for Psychotherapy, Dartford, Kent

8th February 2018 Lecture, IGA Foundation Course, London 'The Politics of Group Analysis'.

10th February 2018, Lecture, Group Analysis South West, Bristol, 'WR Bion and the Practice of Psychotherapy'.

3rd March 2018 Moscow Society for Psychotherapy, Russia, Conference on Clinical Supervision: Keynote speaker, Process Consultant,

20th March 2018The Society of Psychotherapy, UK
Lecture: 'The Psychology of Political Failure'

December 2017 'The Work of WR Bion' and its Clinical Application to Severe Psychopathology'. York Diploma in Group Analysis

Saturday, 14th October 2017

Keynote Lecture
The Foundation Years from birth to young adulthood
'Transitions and transformations'

February 2017: 'The Bion Experience', Lecture and seminar, York Groupwork Diploma Course

January 2017 to December 2017: Director and lecturer, IGA UK 'Accredited Foundation Course in Group Analysis, Tirana'.

February 2017: 'The Politics of Psychotherapy'. Lecturer, Foundation Course in Group Analysis, IGA London.

November 2016: Tirana, Albania. Public Lecture on the 'Experience of Group Analysis'.

2015/2016: Director of Kazakhstan Institute of Group Analysis Foundation Course, lecturer and seminar leader.

April 2016: Public Lecture: 'Traumatised Society and the Social Unconscious'. Tirana, Albania.

March 2016: Institute of Group Analysis UK, London, Foundation Course Lecture: 'The Politics of Group Analysis'.

February 2016: Moscow Psychotherapy Conference: Keynote Speaker: 'Parental Figures in Group Analysis'.

January 2015: Blenheim Drug and Alcohol Services, London: 'Thinking about Suicide? - Risk evaluation and Clinical Approaches'.

February 2015: 2nd February at the Dragon Cafe, London; 'The Arts, Psychotherapy and the Internet. The impact of the digital age 20 years on'.

February 2015: 6th - 8th February; 'The Dark Side of the Mirror. Lacan, Pink Floyd and Psychosis in Groups'. Group analytic workers co-operative workshop, Aarnhem, Denmark.

March 2015: 'Psychotic process in groups; Phenomenology and Psychotherapy'. Lecture. St Petersburg, Russia.

March 2015: 'Group Analysis; a Psychotherapy for Our Time and Place'. Novosibirsk Institute of Group Analysis, Russia.

April 2015: 'Introduction to Group Analysis. Weekend block training'. Tirana. Albania.

June 2015: 'Clinical approaches to group supervision; outlines and summaries'. St Petersburg, Russia.

December 2014: 'Parallel Process in Clinical Supervision'. St Petersburg, Russia.

December 2014: 'Group Analysis: a Psychotherapy for our Time and Place'. Tirana, Albania.

September 2103: British Foundation for Psychotherapy: 'Working with Borderline conditions and Severe Psychopathologies.'

September 2014: 'Using the Group as the Medium of Supervision; clinical aspects.' St Petersburg, Russia

7th June 2014 New Readings in Group Analysis at the IGA, London.
Respondent to Paper by Dr Robert Cutler on 'Resonance and the Unconscious Life of Groups'

26th April 2014 'Interpretation in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy'. British Foundation for Psychotherapy. London..

19th April 2014 'Group therapy with younger people - A Crucial Intervention in the Developmental Cascade'. Elista, Russian Republic.

18th April 2014 'Group Analysis: A Psychotherapy for our Time and Place?' Elista, Russian Republic

11th April 2014 'Using the Group as the Medium of Supervision'. St Petersburg, Russian Republic

27th March 2014 'Psychosis, Psychotherapy and the Arts'.International Society for Psychological and Social Approaches to Psychosis Conference, London.

12/19th March 2014 British Foundation for Psychotherapy, Lectures and seminars. 'Group Process'.

November 11th 2013. Manchester University and GAN North: 'Group analysis with students and younger people'.

7th July 2012: The Counselling Foundation Summer Conference, Marsden Park, Bedford. Keynote Speaker: Organisational Identity in a Time of Change .

29th June 2012: Central London Connexions Staff training and development programme: Course Director, speaker and workshop facilitator; Adapting psychotherapeutic concepts into work with young people.

19th May 2012, Two Seminars on 'Psychoanalysis and the Arts' at the London Centre for Psychotherapy. LCP, London.

March 2012 Workshop for Institute of Group Analysis National Trainers group. IGA, London.

15th European Symposium in Group Analysis, theme: Culture, Conflict and Creativity. Talk and seminar on The mapping of group analytic concepts onto current thinking in neuroscience. Goldsmiths College, London.

Millfields Forensic Psychotherapy Therapeutic Community: On Developing and Sustaining the Therapeutic Relationship. Presentation and workshop.

Royal Holloway University of London Department of Neuropsychology: visiting lecturer Group Process and Reflective Practice

Institute of Group Analysis Film Society: talk on the film The Social Network .

Institute of Group Analysis Foundation Course: lecture How does current thinking in neuroscience map on to group analytic concepts?

Institute of Group Analysis Post Graduate Certificate: The Theory and Practice of Groupwork Approaches.

London Centre for Psychotherapy seminars, Psychotherapy and the Arts. Speaker and seminar leader.

The Turvey Institute of Group Analytic Psychotherapy: Friday Evening Seminar, Group Analysis with Adolescents and Young People. Speaker and seminar leader.

Bob's Communicatorium: The Factory Farm of Therapy, Speaker and group facilitator.

City and Hackney Alcohol Service, Saturday Morning Seminars, Speaker/facilitator.

Partnership for Young London: Course Director, speaker and facilitator; Developing a professional and personal response to a new social context for youth work, Staff training and development programme

Journal Articles

Group Analysis: a focussed therapeutic intervention in the Developmental Cascade, Feature article in The Psychotherapist UKCP Journal, Spring 2012 Issue 50.

Mirror Neurons and the Reflective Process AUCC (Association for University and College Counselling) Journal, September 2011

Why it makes sense not to outsource your resources Assessing the state of mind of students seeking psychological help. AUCC Journal, November 2011.

Identity, Melancholia and Self Esteem. The treatment of discontented and distressed individuals through the enriched psychological environment of the group. AUCC Journal, March 2011.

'Learning from Experience': Feature article in 'Practical Boat Owner', August 2016.

Personal Consultations and Therapy

I have been in private practice for over twenty five years, worked as a Principal Psychotherapist in the NHS for eight years, as a clinical supervisor at the Priory for several years and as a clinical supervisor in many other specialist environments.

My first aim is to gain a clear and in depth understanding of problems experienced by a client so that the most appropriate help can be offered.

Many people find the consultation session itself to be very useful. Towards the end of this session we discuss the most suitable options.

For an initial assessment and consultation, email me here

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